Course Catalog - Updated - includes grading system
Transcript Requests - Current Students
Transcript Requests - Former or Graduated Students
Graduation Requirements
English (I, II, III, IV).........………….4 credits (English I, II, III, IV and EGL 101/102 are writing intensive.)
Science.................................................................................……………………………………………...............2 credits
Math.........…………............3 credits (The math credits must include Algebra I and a class with geometry content.)
Social Science..............2 1⁄2 credits (This includes one year of U.S. History, during which the students must pass
the U.S. Constitution test, the Illinois Constitution test, and a test on the U.S. flag. It also
includes a class in Civics, which is required of all students during senior year.)
World Geography is required and will fulfill the remaining required social studies credit. Other
social studies classes may be taken as electives.
Keyboarding & Formatting/Computers ……………………………………………………………………....1 credit
Health...............................................................…………………………………………...................................1/2 credit
Consumer Education................................………………………...1/2 credit (formerly called Resource Management)
Physical Education.......................................………….......................3 1⁄2 credits (unless exempt by state guidelines)
Driver Education-Classroom (9 weeks)............……….…………………………………………........................1/4 credit
One full credit chosen from music, art, foreign language (including American Sign Language), or vocational education...............………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 credit
Students may choose from elective courses to earn the remaining credits.
Credits required for graduation: 26 credits
Schedule Changes
Students must be enrolled for a minimum of 7 credits each semester, including physical education. This applies to all students except seniors enrolled in the work-study program who are allowed to enroll in a minimum of five credits.
Schedules and fee statements will be mailed to the students' homes in late summer. Fees may be paid by mail or in person prior to the first day of classes.
If a student or parent desires a change in the courses requested, these changes can be made by calling the school and scheduling an appointment with the counselor or principal prior to the first day of school. After classes begin students have four days to add or drop classes. The following guidelines apply:
1) Parental consent is required to drop or add a dual credit course.
2) Required courses CANNOT BE DROPPED by student or parent request.
3) Any course dropped after the fourth day of a semester at student’s request will be recorded as "WF"
(withdraw failing) for the semester and the “WF” will appear on the student’s permanent record. This will
affect a student’s eligibility.
4) Dropping a full-year course after first semester is strongly discouraged.
Examples of student/parent initiated schedule change requests that will NOT BE HONORED are:
1) request for different teacher
2) request for same subject but different period
3) request for different lunch period
4) request for different study hall
5) request which causes over-enrollment in a class
Schedule changes may be initiated by the counselor throughout the year when deemed necessary and approved by the principal. Teacher recommendation or the need for special education services are examples of circumstances that may require counselor-initiated schedule changes.
Students should choose courses that contribute to educational and career goals. It is important to give careful consideration to course selection. The courses selected should challenge the student and should contribute to long-range educational or vocational goals.
Please be aware that the course offerings listed in this handbook are not guaranteed. All courses are subject to minimum enrollment requirements set by the department and the administration.
Curriculum decisions made after the printing of this handbook may affect course offerings and selections. You will be notified if changes are necessary in your schedule.
Please read the listing of course descriptions in the Curriculum Guide carefully before making your selections. Keep in mind a tentative plan for all four years of high school.
The guidance counselor and the principal will be happy to help you if you have any questions about course selection.
College Financing and Scholarship Opportunities
Students should log into the Google Classroom provided by the school counselor for scholarship opportunities. Contact the counselor for more information.
More College Scholarship Opportunities
School Specific Information
Be sure to check the website of the college you plan to attend. They often list scholarships available for their school.
State and Federal Aid Information
State and Federal student aid is awarded based on financial need. Students must apply for this by completing a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. Apply now! Federal and state aid is limited. You must have your taxes calculated for 2012 before filing, and you must have a PIN number. You may apply now for a PIN number by clicking here. After completing the FAFSA, you will receive a notice from the government which will give you your "expected family contribution" toward college. It will also tell you what grants and loans you are eligible for. This form also goes to the college(s) you list on the FAFSA. Therefore, each college you are accepted to will be able to mail you a letter detailing your financial obligations for the upcoming school year.
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