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District Level Vacancies -To apply, contact the Office of the Superintendent
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Shooting Sports Coach
Shooting Sports Assistant Coach
Substitute Teachers
SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS - School bus training provided. Substitute and full-time route drivers needed.
High School Vacancies - As of March 14, 2025 - To apply, contact the High School Principal (hfricke@mtpulaski.k12.il.us)
Special Education Teacher-Anticipated vacancy for 2025-2026 school year
Cross Country Coach
Grade School Vacancies - As of March 14, 2025- To apply, contact the Grade School Principal (dlora@mtpulaski.k12.il.us)
Jr. High Math Teacher-Anticipated vacancy for 2025-2026 school year
Cross Country Coach
Cheer Coach
Mt. Pulaski CUSD #23 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. Mt. Pulaski CUSD #23 is an equal opportunity employer. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies, Section 504 and Title IX policies can be directed to Mt. Pulaski CUSD #23, 119 North Garden Street, Mount Pulaski, IL 62548 as follows:
Superintendent - Jason Spang - 217.792.7222
High School Principal - Heather Fricke - 217.792.3209 - hfricke@mtpulaski.k12.il.us
Grade School Principal - Danielle Lora - 217.792.7220 - dlora@mtpulaski.k12.il.us