Board Adopts FY23 Budget
The Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education called their regular meeting to order on September 19, 2022 at 5:00 PM in the grade school learning center. All members were present except for Ashley Combs who arrived at 5:04 PM.
After Roll Call, the Board entered into Executive Session to discuss items dealing with Board self evaluation, employment, purchase of property and collective bargaining. The Board returned to open session at 6:00 PM.
Upon their return to open session, the Board opened the hearing for the FY23 Budget. Superintendent Lamkey explained his philosophy in designing the district budget. That philosophy includes a conservative projection for revenues, and inflated expectations for expenditures. His goal is to have the reserves in each of the eight funds at 50% of the previous year's expenditures. This assures stability for the district in the event of an unexpected disruption in funding while still remaining responsible with taxpayer dollars. Currently, all eight funds are operating well into the black and six of the eight are at the 50% threshold. The two that are not operating above the 50% are the Building Fund and IMRF/Social Security. The Building Fund was depleted during the construction of the high school, but it is expected to be near or at the 50% threshold next year. The IMRF/Social Security Fund is projected to be $700 below the threshold, well within a safe margin. With no public comment offered, the Budget Hearing was adjourned.
The Board then returned to the regular meeting with Recognition of the Public of which there were no participants. The Board moved forward to approve the Consent Agenda which included the previous month’s minutes for the regular meeting and executive session, the sales tax report and September bills. The motion passed 7-0.
Under Reports, there were no questions for Superintendent Lamkey’s report. Mr. McVickers’s Athletic Director’s Report was postponed to October as he was absent due to the JH Boys Baseball Regional Championship. Mr. Deibert next reported on the high school physical education program and asked for additional equipment to supplement his program. Administrators will work with him on that list. Principal Lora then reported on the success of the junior high Genius Program. Students have designed projects that include self propelled bicycles, tennis shoe designs and much more. Mrs. Lora is providing a link for Board members to view other projects. Ms. Grunder announced to the Board that she will be sponsoring a trip to Mexico for the first time since before the pandemic. The trip requires a minimum of 10 participants and can accommodate more with additional chaperones. Lastly, the Board reviewed the discipline report which listed three out of school suspensions and 3 in school suspensions for the entire district during the last month of school.
The only item under Unfinished Business was the adoption of the FY2023 Budget. There were no additional questions and the Board adopted the budget 7-0.
In New Business, Longview Bank and Trust Executive, Bill Glaze, addressed the Board, at their request, on funding options for capital improvements. Mr. Glaze reviewed bonding options and loans explaining the advantages and disadvantages. The Board asked many questions and engaged in good conversation about district options. This informational discussion was designed to educate the Board on funding oportunities for the future.
Mr. Lamkey next addressed the Board on future staffing considerations for the district. He recognized the shortage of teachers, not just in Illinois, but across the country. In Mt. Pulaski specifically, we are absent one special education teacher at the grade school as well as a specialist for elective classes in the junior high. Both positions remain posted, but there have been zero applicants since summer. These vacancies have forced the grade school to adjust scheduling to accommodate appropriate supervision of students. Teachers worked with administration to design curriculum that challenges students and efficiently utilizes staff. The administrative team has a scheduled meeting this fall to plan for future staffing and ways to support curricular programs. Specifically, the team will focus on music programs, special education, math and the anticipated vacancy in the high school health and drivers education program. Superintendent Lamkey will begin recruiting state and local institutions for mid-term graduates who could improve district staffing.
The next item of new business was the approval of the Code of Ethics for the school district. This code is required by the Illinois State Board of Education and describes appropriate behaviors which should be followed by district staff. The code was vetted through the Board Policy Committee, as well as the Mt. Pulaski Education Association. The motion passed 7-0.
The next item of New Business was the approval of a contract with Embrace. Embrace is a company that maximizes the reimbursements our district is eligible for through state and federal funding. It focuses on students who have health needs and individual education plans. Reimbursement is a complex system that is very difficult to navigate. Embrace has systems that the district can implement to maximize reimbursement opportunities and reduce misdirected efforts. There are no up front costs with the program and the district will review the contract at the end of the year to determine if it was beneficial. The motion was approved 7-0.
In the Personnel Report, the following items were approved with a 7-0 vote:
Brooke Charron was reassigned to become the District Library Clerk
Darius Slosser was withdrawn from employment as MPGS Night Custodian
Kellie Aikman as MPHS Night Custodian
Shelby Bailey as MPGS Paraprofessional
Jamie Whitwood as MPHS eSports Coach
Lauren Nesbitt as Volunteer Swim Coach
Jamie Anderson as District Athletic Supervisor
Tim Milligan as District Athletic Supervisor
Deborah Shannon as School Bus Driver
Colton Hagan as Part Time Custodian
In the final item of the evening, the Board approved Linda Smith as the MPHS Year Book Sponsor with a 6-0 vote with one member voting present.
Under Items of Information, Mr. Lamkey reminded the Board of the October 14th deadline to decide if they were attending the Triple I Conference in November and Mrs. Fricke announced Clay Aylesworth was the September Student of the Month.
With no more business on the agenda, the Board adjourned at 7:12 PM. The next meeting will be October 17, 2022 at 5:00 PM in the MPGS Learning Center.